skin is the most effective sense organ. even in sleep it is active. a loud sound or smell you may not recognise but touch you can recognise.
Butterflies do not have ears in the traditional sense. Instead, they use sensory organs called tympanic organs located on their wings to detect sound vibrations. These organs are more sensitive to low-frequency sounds and help butterflies navigate and communicate with each other.
No humans sense organs are better than animals sense organs.
The organs most sensitive to deprivation of oxygen are the heart and the brain.
Sense organs is not a word, but a phrase. You would have to list the various organs.
ways of sense organs healthy
A bee's antennae (feelers) are their organs of scent detection -- many, many times more sensitive than a human nose. The are also organs of touch.
The antennae are sensitive organs that sense smell and vibration.
Why are sense organs important to living organisms
types of sense organs according to location
in regard to sense organs, what is punctate distribution?
Cat's whiskers are highly sensitive "organs". The roots of these whiskers go much deeper than regular hairs, and at the base have very sensitive nerves. The cat uses the whiskers to sense movement and also to feel out it's surroundings.
The base word for "sensitive" is "sense."