-2.00 eye power
0 is perfect and the more short sited you are, the lower the number
the more long sited you are, the higher the number
Vertigo can get worse when you use a computer if you have a pinched nerve. It can also get worse if you have an eye or ear problem.
hail no
Depends where you put them.
Itachi's power in his right eye is the Amaterasu.
There is no eye power necessary to study Aeronautical Engineering, or Aerospace. Engineering is the design of the aircraft, so it is independent of eye power.
Yes ! ! ! and go to a doctor, you could run the risk of going blind.
Good - meaning better than or worse than something?
Skin cancer, eye cataract is the example. It can lead to worse.
If you feel that your vision is not what it should be or your eyes are hurting and you get headaches it is high time for you to go and see an optometrist for a thorough eye examination.
Generally speaking the longer you the leave the contact lense in the worse it is for your eye health.