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The most common blood group most probably is O+ or even B+

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Q: Which is the most common blood group?
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Which is the most common blood group in India?

O positive is the most common blood group in India.

Which blood group is most costlt?

The blood group that is most common is 0+. It is a universal blood type.

What is the most common blood group in humans?


What are blood types and which is most commmon?

Blood types go into four major categories. Them being-Group A, Group B, Group AB, Group O.The most common blood type is O positive.

Which is the most common blood group among Indians now?


Is o positive blood common?

O-positive is the most common blood group in the world; over a third of the population in most countries - in some, nearly half the population - and in the world.

What is the most common blood type in humans?

There are actually millions of blood types, but the 8 main types of human blood are as follows:O positiveO negativeA positiveA negativeB positiveB negativeAB positiveAB negativeOf these, the most common blood type is O positive. The most uncommon blood type is AB negative.

How common is A plus blood type?

Blood type (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells.

Commonest blood group?

Type O is the most common, with about half of the population having O type blood.

What is Andrea Bocelli's blood type?

maybe O+,because he is italian,in italian the most common blood group is O+

Is o positive a common blood group in human beings?

Group O " has neither A nor B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma)O positive is the most common blood type. O can be given to any body because O is the most common

What is the most common blood group in New Zealand?

The most common blood group in New Zealand is O+.According to the Neww Zealand Blood Service the frequency of blood groups in the New Zealand donor population is:O+ 38%A+ 32%O- 9%B+ 9%A- 6%AB+ 3%B- 2%AB- 1%