The average person should poop 17-23 times a day.
The best time of the day to defecate is different for everyone. Many people like to do it in the morning to get it over with for the day. However, everyone's body is different, and sometimes you just can't help going to the toilet.
Opossums poop out their babies on at a time. Every day usually at two o'clock they poop at one baby
probably because you eat to much fruit in day time .
LOL! Maybe she just has to or maybe that's how she ends conversations...The next time you talk to her, about 10 minutes into the conversation, tell her you have to poop and you'll call her back when you're done.
No, poop is not pretty unless you dress it up!
NO YOU should poop 3 times a day
The best time of the day to vacuum is in the morning.
To day
There is no specific time or amount that you have to go a day. Some people go more than others, and the opposite is true. You should go at least once every day.
Yes. 2 to 3 times a day
Swim, Eat, Swim, Eat, Poop, Swim, Eat,Poop....