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Q: Which is the best position to sleep in if you have a cystocele?
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What is the goal of cystocele repair?

The goals of cystocele repair are to relieve a patient's symptoms, to improve or maintain urinary and sexual function, to return pelvic structures to their original position, and to prevent the formation of new defects

What is the cost for cystocele surgery?

What is the cost of Cystocele and rectocele surgery

What is the cost for a cystocele surgery?

What is the cost of Cystocele and rectocele surgery

If you are unsure that you are pregnant which is the best way to sleep?

You can sleep in any position you want whether pregnant or not.

The suffix in the term cystocele is which means .?

The suffix "-cele" in the term cystocele means hernia or protrusion. In the context of cystocele, it refers to the protrusion of the bladder into the wall of the vagina.

What is the most common symptom of a cystocele?

Urinary incontinence is the most common symptom of a cystocele

What is the best position to sleep in with a slipped disc?

The best sleeping position for a slightly herniated disk is on an individual's back. Sleeping on the back extends the vertebrae and relieves the pressure on the spine.

What is the best position to sleep with when you have a broken wrist?

Propped up on a pillow or something soft like that.

Is it okay to lie on your side during pregnancy?

Yes. Actualy the best position to sleep in is on your left side.

What position should sleep during 5week pregnancy?

This early you can sleep in any position you want.

Is urodynamics testing painful?

It was for me because I have a cystocele, fallen bladder. Had it done yesterday afternoon but went out last night with some cramping. That is mainly due to cystocele.

How long does cystocele repair last?

5 hours