Cocaine powder that you insuffilate is cocaine hydrochloride, the salt of cocaine. Crack is cocaine freebase, and tends to form one large crystal matrix, although it can be ground into a powder. Crack tends to be yellow and is typically smoked.
Very different drugs, crack is the smokable form of cocaine, it's said to be more addictive than snorting the drug because the high is more intense when cocaine is smoked in rock form (crack) because it gets to your bloodstream quicker (through the blood vessels in your lungs), injecting powder cocaine is the only "quicker" route to your bloodstream. and is by far the "strongest" way to use cocaine. Heroin is an opiate, like morphine, codeine, even vicoden (hydrocodone) they act on your "opiod receptors" in your brain to give you a sense of satisfaction, and relaxation, along with euphoria, opiates can be taken orally, nasally (snorted), smoked, or injected, with injection being the most "potent" way to use, and usually the choice of method with addicts.. the thing about heroin is that you become "physically addicted" your body needs it to function normally and you become very sick without it.
No it is not. In 2007, the federal commissions admitted an exaggeration of the hamfulness of crack.
Crack yielded more jail time because it was a predominantly Black drug while Cocaine users were predominantly White. This was part of the War on Drugs/Crime which was established by Reagan to appeal to the anti-Black sentiments of White voters. Research it!!
Yes crack is more addicting than cocaine. Simply put, cocaine is made up of a small percentage of crack rocks, crushed and mixed with fillers. The amount of crack in cicaine varies greatly, depending on how many dealers its gone thru as pretty much every dealer will add his cut. common cuts include caffeine, Ritalin, benadryl, or just baby powder. These additives can greatly affect the way the coke makes you feel, but it will never be as potent as the more pure form of crack.
Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, while crack is a form of cocaine. Heroin is typically injected, snorted, or smoked, while crack is smoked. Both drugs are highly addictive and can have serious health consequences.
No, heroin and crack are two different class of drugs and will show up different on drug tests.
How about you don't do heroin crack baby
Cocaine, crack, marijuana, heroin, & she drank.
Crack and heroin addiction
Heroin crack...
10 days
Yes, Heroin - 5 times to death Morphine - 10 times to death
Get some heroin to cover it up. Works like a charm
Heroin and methamphetamine are both much more addictive than crack.
no. boy is just heroin. girl is cocaine, usually in crack form.heroin/cocaineboy/girlcoffee/creamget the idea now?im a recovering heroin and crack addict. i used for over 5 years and have heard almost everything those two things have been called