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Locomotion. Also hearing. Also sight. Also digestion. ...

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Q: Which is not a function of mucus in the nasal cavity?
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What is the function of the nasal cavity?

When you inhale, air is drawn into the nasal cavity, which warms, moistens and filters the incoming air. The nasal cavity includes mucus, immunologic tissue in the form of the adenoids to combat allergens, and a pathway to excrete mucus during times of infection/illness. In addition, neuroreceptors for the sense of smell are located in the nasal cavity.

What substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity?

Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

What is the substance produce by the lining of the nasal cavity?

Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

What part of the respiratory system is the substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity?

Mucus is a substance produced by the lining of the nasal cavity. This mucus helps moisten and filter incoming air.

Where is mucus in the nasal cavity?

In the throat, or in this case before the pharynx.

Where is the mucus in the respiratory system?

its formed in your nasal cavity and you trachea :)

Do cilia in the nasal cavity filter out foreign bodies?

Yes, cilia in the nasal cavity help to filter out foreign particles and pathogens by trapping them in mucus and moving them towards the throat to be swallowed or expelled.

Where in the respiratory system is mucus formed?

its formed in your nasal cavity and you trachea :)

Where in the respiratory system mucus formed?

its formed in your nasal cavity and you trachea :)

What keeps nasal cavity moist?

The nasal cavity is kept moist by the production of mucus by specialized cells called goblet cells and mucous glands. Mucus helps to trap foreign particles and pathogens, keeping the nasal cavity moist and protecting the respiratory system. Additionally, the nasal cavity has a rich blood supply that helps to maintain moisture and humidity.

WHERE does the mucus in the nasal cavity come from?

The mucus in the nasal cavity is produced by specialized cells called goblet cells and mucous glands in the nasal passages. It helps trap dust, allergens, and microbes to prevent them from entering the lungs, and also helps to moisten and warm the air we breathe.

What is the function of the naval cavity?

The nasal cavity functions to warm, moisten, and filter incoming air before it reaches the lungs. It also plays a role in the sense of smell and resonating sound.