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Q: Which is more important A girl or carrier?
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What is more important a boy or girl?

a girl

Who is more important boy or girl?

Both genders are equally important.

What is most important for a girl love or family?

if the girl needs family love, then family is more important and if she is truly in love with her boyfriend, then the love is more important.

Why it is so important to identify the original carrier of a disease?

If you learn about how the deise started you know more about it and what problem caused it.

Why is the shape of hemoglobin important?

Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrier.

Why were aircraft carries more important than battleships in war in the pacific?

Because a properly organised Carrier Air Group has more firepower than a battleship, and can reach further.

What are some important factors to consider when choosing a recumbent trike carrier?

When choosing a recumbent trike carrier, important factors to consider include the carrier's weight capacity, compatibility with your vehicle, ease of loading and unloading, security features, and overall durability.

Why does my cat pee in the carrier?

Cats may pee in their carrier due to stress, anxiety, or a dislike of the carrier. It could also be a response to a previous negative experience in the carrier. It's important to make the carrier a comfortable and positive space for your cat to help prevent this behavior.

Is a boy child more important than a girl child?

both are good

Why is girl more important than boys in Hindu?

both are same no difference between them

What is the World War 2 navy aircraft carrier commanding officers names?

There was more than one carrier so to answer this question a specific carrier is needed.

Why are guys friends always more important than the girl they are with?

Well if the guy wasn't stupid he shouldn't act like they are. But trust me they're girls more important.