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Normal body temperature for humans is about 37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees F.

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Q: Which is healthier body temperature hot or cold?
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Is it normal to feel cold on the inside of your body when it is hot around you?

its abnormal when body fells cold in hot temperature or cold in hot temperature because our body and mind adjusts themselves with according to surroundings. A normal and healthy persons body temperature is 37.5 degree celcius.

What does body temperature mean?

How hot or cold a persons body is.

Why does heat flow from a hot to cold body?

Heat flows from a hot body to a cold body because of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that heat naturally flows from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature in order to reach thermal equilibrium. This occurs because molecules in the hot body have more kinetic energy and transfer it to the molecules in the cold body until both reach the same temperature.

Why does heat flow from hot body to cold body?

Heat flows from hot to cold because when hot and cold bodies contact with each other (thermal contact), the fast moving molecules of the hot body collide with slow moving molecules of the cold body; therefore the molecules of hot body become slower and body becomes cool, and the molecules of other body (cold) becomes faster and the cold body becomes hot. Notice: when molecules of a body moves faster it's kinetic energy increase therefore temperature increases and it becomes hot.

Why heat flows from hot body to cold body?

Heat flows from hot to cold because when hot and cold bodies contact with each other (thermal contact), the fast moving molecules of the hot body collide with slow moving molecules of the cold body; therefore the molecules of hot body become slower and body becomes cool, and the molecules of other body (cold) becomes faster and the cold body becomes hot. Notice: when molecules of a body moves faster it's kinetic energy increase therefore temperature increases and it becomes hot.

When do we feel hot or cold?

We feel hot or cold when our bodies detect a difference between our internal body temperature and the temperature of our surroundings. Our body's thermoreceptors send signals to the brain, which then interprets these signals as feelings of heat or cold. This helps regulate our body temperature to maintain homeostasis.

How does the time of day affect your body temperature?

I think that it does because if it is cold , your body temperature goes lower and if its hot or warm your body temperature will rise

Why is my body hot but im feeling cold?

When your body is hot but you feel cold, it could be a sign that you have a fever. Fevers can cause your body temperature to rise, but your body still perceives the temperature as too cold, resulting in chills. It's important to monitor your symptoms and consider seeking medical attention if they persist.

What are reptiles temperature?

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Their body temperature is usually about the same as the surrounding temperature. This is why they have to sun themselves in the morning to get warm as they become really cold at night.

How the skin helps regulate body temperature?

By sweating when it is hot and shivering when it is cold.

Does a cold blooded animals body temperature stay the same all the time?

No. Because even though the temperature is hot their body temperature stays cold and doesn't rise up.

Is 65 c hot or cold?

It is hot, higher temperature is hot and lower is cold. Cold temperature is from 0c to about 10c.