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alka selzer is better I THINK

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Q: Which is better rennie or alka selzer?
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What do you need to make a lamp?

A soda bottle, water, vegetable oil, Alka Selzer tablets and food coloring. Instead of Alka Selzer you can also use baking powder.

Can you take alka selzer after drinking apple cider vinegar?

Just did it, two extra strength alka selzer and 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar, blast of warmth to the belly and lots of birps and oh boy the farts... not to mention the nasty tast... alls swell

What kind of gas is alka selzer?

Alka-Seltzer tablets produce carbon dioxide gas when dissolved in water. This gas helps to relieve stomach discomfort by aiding in the expulsion of excess gas from the digestive system.

What is alka-selzer for?

im not sure but then again im prety sure. alka seltzer is for people with acidic problems. or more specifically they are used for people whos digestion system i a little slow and this pill allows the stomach to digest food a bit faster.

What do you need to make a homemade lava lamp?

To make a homemade lava lamp, you will need a clear plastic bottle, water, vegetable oil, effervescent tablets (such as Alka-Seltzer), food coloring, and a flashlight (optional). Fill the bottle with water and top it off with oil, leaving some space at the top. Add a few drops of food coloring. Break the effervescent tablet into smaller pieces and drop them into the bottle to create the lava lamp effect. Shine a flashlight underneath for a better visual effect.

Why does alka selzer fizz in a lava lamp?

Alka-Seltzer tablets contain baking soda and citric acid. When dissolved in water, the two substances react to produce carbon dioxide gas, which creates bubbles and fizz. In a lava lamp, the bubbling action from the Alka-Seltzer tablet creates movement in the colored wax, resembling the flow of lava.

What do you need to make a lava lamp?

A soda bottle, water, vegetable oil, Alka Selzer tablets and food coloring. Instead of Alka Selzer you can also use baking powder.

When did Eddie Selzer die?

Eddie Selzer died in 1970.

When was Eddie Selzer born?

Eddie Selzer was born in 1893.

When was Peter Selzer born?

Peter Selzer was born in 1946.

When was Richard Selzer born?

Richard Selzer was born in 1928.