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i prefer magarine

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Q: Which is better butter or margerine?
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I have heard butter works (real butter, not margerine or any fake butter)

Are there more calories in butter or margerine?

it is the same amount of calories, but butter is the lesser of the 2 evils.

What ingredients can replace butter in cake and the cake still have a good smell?

margerine or soya butter

What are the samples intervention in solar system?

Some past interventions in the solar system include spacecraft missions like Voyager 1 and 2, which have provided valuable data on outer planets and interstellar space. Other interventions include the use of telescopes and probes to study celestial bodies like Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Additionally, ongoing missions like the Mars rovers and the Parker Solar Probe continue to expand our understanding of the solar system.

Do cookies taste nicer with butter or margerine?

I like them with both but I would have to say margarine because that is less expensive and out of the two I like them with margarine better.

How does butter clog your arteries?

No, butter will not clog your arteries if used in moderation. However, the oils in margerine will clog your arteries.

How much butter is equal to 8 tablespoons margerine?

8 tablespoons butter equals 8 tablespoons margarine

How do you spell margerine?

The correct spelling is margarine (butter substitute, also oleomargarine).

Can you substitute butter for margerine?

yes i do it all the time when i bake.

What is a Margarine carving?

Margarine carving is when people have a big block of butter and carve it like ice sculptures. They use a butter knife and it can take many hours to complete.

What Is a hinkety pinketies for peanut butter (or margerine jelly etc.)?

bread spread, edible spreadable