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Q: Which is a short term effect of taron the body?
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Yes, sweating is a short-term effect of exercise. It helps regulate body temperature by cooling the body through the evaporation of sweat.

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Short term aid is things like food and water that only has a short term effect and long term aid is things that have a long term effect like tools and materials.

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How did the political environment effect the class of short term insurance?Read more: How_did_the_political_environment_effect_the_class_of_short_term_insurance

What is the difference between long term and short term effects?

The difference between long and short term causes are..... short term cause is the main reason for somthing being the way it is for a little while and soon people get over it. Mainly, a short term effect is how something immediately affects about something.. long term cause if somthing happens and it is very prolonging all for that one cause and is carried out for a very long time. A long term effect is an affect thatwill happen later in the future.. there is also the continuous effect, which starts and does not end until you get rid of the somthing. . so there is short term effect, long term effect and continuous term effect

Does sugar lead to short term memory loss?

In the short-term, consuming sugar can affect short-term memory. If sugar is consumed in the morning, it will probably have a positive effect. Whereas it will probably have a negative effect in the afternoon.

Short and long term effects of an unbalanced diet?

the short term effects on an unbalanced diet has effect like