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WOMEN!! Though it's hard to believe, we still live in a masculane-based world, and I am NOT just speaking of 3rd world countries. Women are the ones who have to go through childbirth. Women are the ones who experience the tirednss, fatigue, hotflashes, nightsweats, menstruation not because of their jobs, but because the are women. And in 3rd world countries? Women are constantly slandered, abused , cast away, unable to get proper jobs because they are women! And when someone does cre, it's to sell their pretty face to a man like they are property. And juat about all around the world? After working late the night before and taking care of the children the same day, they come home to a dirty house. Why? Because it's the "womens" job . So you tell me which is better.

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Q: Which has the hardest life women or men?
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