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The prostate gland.

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Q: Which gland is only found on males?
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What endocrine gland if found in males only?


Which endocrine glands are found in both males and females and which are found in only one sex or another?

Thyroid and thymus glands are common in male & females. pituitary (Brain), adrenal gland & testis are only present in males. pineal gland(Brain), pancreas & ovary are in females.

What gland encircles the neck of the bladder in males?

The prostate gland

What gland in males secretes glucose?

seminal gland secretes glucose to nourish the spermatozoa

What is a donut shaped gland located inferior to the urinary bladder?

Prostate gland in males

Type of sweat gland found all over the body?

sudorifus glands (sweat) is the only sweat gland but there is a sebacious gland (oil)

Which gland enlarges to block urine from leaving the bladder when sperm is ejaculated?

The prostate gland enlarges to block urine from leaving the bladder when sperm is ejaculated. This is because the prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, and contracts during ejaculation to prevent the mixing of semen and urine.

Which chromosome is found only in males?

Y chromosome

What chromosome are found in males only?

Y i think

What is the structure that is next to bladder in males?

prostrate gland

What is the only temporary gland which females sometimes have and males never have?

Pituitary gland. It send hormonal reactions through the blood in order to keep your inner environment under control. This is called Homeostasis.

What two glands are gender specific?

The testes are male-specific glands that produce sperm and testosterone, while the ovaries are female-specific glands that produce eggs, estrogen, and progesterone.