It depends what your activity level is and what activity you do. but generally long hair because it drags on everything it can touch, so it gets dirty.
do you mean how short the hair or how short the braid, well i guess when your hair gets to a half inch above your shoulder blade
Usually short hair is more suitable for running because it is very light and is off of your neck so you won't be as hot. But long hair is not that much heavier but can be on your neck. It is your choice, but if you only care about running faster, go with short hair.
Well get your hair trimmed a lot is my best answer.
give it oxygen and water and sunlight
Cut its hair until it's short. But not too short that its body is pink, that's too short, and the hair is for a little protection. If your dog's hair gets cut too short, it'll get hurt easier.
it doesn't matter who has long hair or not all it mattersis how fast you wanna run.
It is really cute as all girls look good with short hair.
your hair will not grow faster by keeping the ends trimmed. it will, however, seem to grow faster. unkempt ends tend to split easily. split ends turn dry and brittle, and consequently break off, shortening the length of the hair. while trimming your ends won't cause the hair to grow faster, it will keep your hair healthy and minimize risk of breakage, which in the long run means it gets longer faster.
Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.
Your hair is not alive, there is never any blood running through it. But, doing that to your scalp will not make your hair grow faster.
No, no hair grows faster or get thicker when trimmed or plucked etc. this is a common myth. short hair appears to grow faster than long hair because there are less natural breaks in the hair etc. all similar hairs grow at the same speed (based on hormones) the hair on your head grows at the same speed as every other hair on your head, your nose hair grows at the same speed as all the other nose hairs wether you pluck or trim hope this helps