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Nitrous Oxide (NO2)

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Q: Which gas makes you laugh?
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What gas makes you laugh?

Nitrous Oxide. There you go :)

What is the name of the gas which makes you laugh?

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

How does nitrous oxide make you laugh if you inhale it?

Nitrous oxide makes you giddy and some people laugh from the experience, thus it's called laughing gas.

How does humor effect on audience?

it makes them laugh

Which is correct Politics make you laugh Politics makes you laugh?

a gland in your throught makes you laugh

A person who makes us laugh?

A person who makes us laugh is a comedian.

Which makes you laugh?

other peoples laugh

Why do you call laugh gas if it does not make you laugh?

Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, was originally named as such due to its initial use in entertainment settings where it elicited euphoric and giggly reactions in patients. While it may not always induce laughter, its nickname has stuck even though it is primarily used for its anesthetic properties in medical procedures.

What makes Justin Bieber laugh?

when his best girl bud kira makes him laugh

What gas is made when you laugh?

Laughing gas!

What does it makes you laugh mean?

it means that what ever your watching or talking about is funny and it makes you or that you watched a movie and you tell somebody about it and you tell them it makes you laugh

What is the plot of why do you laugh?

Well we laugh because there is air and stuff inside of us that makes us laugh..................