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Q: Which fiber length is more susceptible to pilling?
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Can hpv make one more susceptible to herpes?

Yes it can make one more susceptible to herpes.

Why is fiber optic best?

-Fiber Optic cables are glass tubes with casing that alow light pulses to bounce to the end, they are significantly faster than wired cables in terms of bandwidth. -Wired cables are also more susceptible to signal interference and noise, which can result in loss of data or picture quality. -Fiber optics are also easier and cheaper to maintain and service

What is the bandwidth capacity of one G652D of fiber optics?

The bandwidth capacity of G652D fiber optics can vary depending on factors such as the length of the fiber and the equipment connected. However, as a general estimate, G652D fiber optics can support bandwidth capacities ranging from 10 Gbps up to 40 Gbps or more.

Sentence with susceptible?

When working with sick children you become more susceptible to illness.

What gives you more fiber?


What are ice float-type carburettor systems more susceptible to in comparison to fuel injection systems?

more susceptible to icing.

What is meant by atenuation in fiber optics?

Attenuation in fiber means 'loss of optical power' suffered by the optical signal in fiber itself.

How do you use the word susceptible in a sentenece?

People who choose not to wear jackets in the rain, are more susceptible to colds.

How do you include more fiber in your diet?

To include more fiber into your diet mostly all you have to do is get and eat food with the highest amount of fiber.

How a scratch outside of an optical fiber might cause problems?

A scratch on the outside of an optical fiber can lead to light leakage or signal loss, affecting the transmission quality of data through the fiber. The scratch can disrupt the smooth and uniform flow of light within the fiber, causing scattering and potential signal attenuation. In severe cases, the scratch may weaken the structural integrity of the fiber, making it more susceptible to breakage.

Exercise can do what?

make more muscle fiber

What cost more carbon fiber or steel?

carbon fiber costs more than steel