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One of the things that contributed to the end of the peaceful relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatans was the leadership of John Smith.

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Q: Which event contributed to the end of the peaceful relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatans?
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Which event contributed to the end of the peaceful relationship between Jamestown colonists and the Powhatans?

One of the things that contributed to the end of the peaceful relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatans was the leadership of John Smith.

Which event contributed to the end of peaceful relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan?

One of the things that contributed to the end of the peaceful relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatans was the leadership of John Smith.

How did the colonists get along with the powhatans people near Jamestown?

*because they work together

What contributed most to the high mortality rate among Jamestown colonists?

They were not used to the area's climate or its natural resources.

How did Jamestown colonists adapt to their environment?

How did Jamestown colonists adapt to their environment?

Why did the water in Jamestown make colonists sick?

The water in Jamestown was contaminated with pathogens from human waste that caused diseases like dysentery and typhoid fever. Poor sanitation practices in the settlement contributed to the spread of these waterborne illnesses among the colonists.

How did American Indians help the Jamestown colonists?

The question said "Native Americans" who helped the settlers. The Puritans occupied Indian lands in what is now Massachusetts. Jamestown was down in the southeast - Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Indians who interacted with those setllers were part of the Powhatan Confederacy, a group of local tribes. It was a complex relationship between English and natives. The Powhatans did help, at first, in terms of farming practices, fishing and other forms of survival but the English settlers were violent and greedy for land from the beginning, causing conflicts.

Other than attacks by the Algonquian what contributed the most to the high mortality rates among Jamestown colonists?

They were not used to the area's climate or its natural resources.

Other than attacks by the Algonquian what contributed most to the high mortality rates among Jamestown colonists?

They were not used to the area's climate or its natural resources.

Majority of Jamestown's colonists did not like to work as they were?

Most of Jamestown's early colonists were wealthy gentlemen who were more accustomed to a life of leisure than manual labor. They were unprepared for the physical challenges and hard work required to establish a successful colony in the New World. This contributed to high mortality rates and early struggles in Jamestown's history.

Who were the colonists of Jamestown?

the colonists came from England

What hardship did the Jamestown colonists face?

many jamestown colonists became sick from malaria and from the drinking water