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Q: Which continent uses the least amount of water for industry?
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In what state does a fixed amount of water have the least amount of kinetic energy?

A fixed amount of water tends to have the least amount of kinetic energy in its solid state, as the molecules are tightly packed and have limited movement. This is why ice has lower kinetic energy compared to liquid water or water vapor.

What holds the least amount of water?

A sponge holds the least amount of water compared to other household items. It is designed to absorb and release water easily.

What type of water contains the least amount of water?

Distilled water

What continent has the least availability of fresh water?

Antarctica has the least availability of fresh water, as the majority of its water is locked up in ice. The continent is considered a desert due to its low precipitation levels.

Which make of dishwasher consumes the least amount of water and where do I get one ?

LG LDF7932ST Dishwasher - Stainless Steel is the dishwasher consumes the least amount of water

Which type of soil holds the least amount of water?

Sandy soil typically holds the least amount of water due to its large particles and low organic matter content, which allows water to drain through quickly.

What type of water contains the least amount of contaminants?

Distilled water

Which diswasher uses the least amount of water?

The European brand dishwasher Bosch uses the least amount of energy washing.

Does Africa have the least amount of water?

yes lots

Where is the least amount of water on earth located?

In the Sahara desert.

Which plant needs the least amount of water?

a cactus, silly (:

What type of drinks have least amount of corn syrup?
