Get your partner(s) tested for STI, wear protection and avoid intercourse with someone who is infected.
less peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors : novanet (best guess)
less peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors : novanet (best guess)
The only sure way to avoid a sexually transmitted infection is not to have sex in the first place.
wear a CONDOM or if you want a baby then you go to the hospital and get tested for any sti's
2008 STi-160mph 2007 STi-155mph 2008 STi-160mph 2007 STi-155mph
Sti. has written: 'Sti, Maler und Plastiker'
Preventing contracting STI's to begin with is essential, so use of condoms, femidoms, dental dams, and lubrication can all help prevent STI transmission. It's also essential to get regular STI screening as well as other check-ups, and seeking treatment for problems.
Kriengsak Rojnkureesatien. has written: 'Behavior change communication and strengthening of STI and VCT sevices for Thai seafarers'
it's like having sex with clothes on, except without STD or STI