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Food and shelter.

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Q: Which are standard functions that families are responsible for providing?
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What are the two basic functions of feedback?

Feedback serves two basic functions: providing information about performance compared to a standard, and guiding future actions or behaviors to achieve desired outcomes.

What are the cultural and functions of filipino families?

Filipino families provide safety and security for each member. They ensure that young ones get decent education are brought up in a good way.

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Who was the person responsible for creating standard oil company? Answer this question…

What Difference between built-in function and user define function?

Built-in functions are functions that are provided for you by the standard includes. User-defined functions are those that you write yourself. Third-party functions are those that are written for you, but that are not provided by the standard includes.

Which of the standard trigonometric functions has the least period?

The tangent.

What are standard functions in computer programming?

A "standard function" is a function that has been specified within a standard, to be blunt. The C specification does not specify the requirement for any functions. Instead, you have other specifications, like Posix and Win32, that describe which functions are considered "standard", and therefore unomittable, from libraries supporting those standards. Some standard functions under C include printf() and scanf() (in the stdio.h header), malloc() and free() (under stdlib.h), and sin() and cos() (in the math.h header file). C++, on the other hand, has standard functions that are part of the individual (and currently accumulating) C++ specifications.

What is dos.h?

A non-standard C header file that contained functions specific to accessing functions of MS-DOS. There is no need to use this header file, as there are standard libraries included in all major compilers that replace the functions in DOS.H.

Which regulatory body is responsible for monitoring of standard precautions?

The Center of Disease Control is responsible for creating and monitoring what is called Standard Precations, which is the standard for safe minimum infectious practices used in medical arenas.

What are the in-built function in c plus plus?

C++ built-in functions are those functions that are provided for you as part of the language itself, and includes all of the C standard library functions (all of which were inherited from C) and is expanded upon by the C++ standard template library. C++ implementors may provide additional functions that are platform-specific, however these are not considered built-in functions becuase C++ is a cross-platform language. These are best described as 3rd party functions. The functions you yourself write are known as user-defined functions.

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Who is responsible for XML?

the xml standard is maintained by a volunteer team at the w3c.