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Committee on Energy and Commerce

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Q: Which House committee conducts public health research safeguards the environment and the nation's energy supply and regulates interstate and foreign commerce?
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Which house committee conducts public health research safeguards the environment and the national energy Supply and regulates interstate and foreign Commerce?

Committee on Energy and Commerce

What branch of government regulates interstate trade?

Legislative Branch

Whcih of these agencies regulates the interstate transfer and sale of electricity?

The agency that regulates the interstate transfer and sale of electricity is the Federal Power Commission. This was given the powers by the Natural Gas Act of 1938.

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What is a government agency that regulates the buying and selling in the country?

The Commerce Department regulates interstate commerce, as well as weights and measures.

What agency licenses and regulates all railroads?

The regulatory body in the US is the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Which of these agencies regulates all commercial transportation by railroads highways and domestic waterways?

interstate commerce commission

Regulates the interstate transfer and sale of electricity?

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Licenses and regulates all interstate telephone services?

FCC the federal communications commission

Which of these agencies regulates the interstate transfer and sale of electricity?

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Licenses fixes rates and regulates all railroads.?

The group that fixes rates and regulates the railroads is called the ICC.

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