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different part of bodies have different body temrature that's why people put the thermometer under the arms and tongue.. because the other parts may not b suitable as they are cooler body parts

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Q: Whether the temperature of different parts of the body is the same or different?
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Whether the temperature of different part of the body is the same or different?


Is the temprature of different parts of the body same?

No, the temperature of different parts of the body can vary. The core body temperature, which is typically measured orally or rectally, is maintained at around 98.6°F (37°C), while temperatures in other parts of the body, such as the extremities, can be slightly cooler. Skin temperature can fluctuate based on environmental factors, physical activity, and circulation.

Whether the temperature of all parts of body is same or not?

temperature of different body parts are different. For eg. the temperature of tongue is 2 degree less than the armpit,nose tips get colder during winters though other body parts are comparetively warmer, during fever forehead, neck,hand become more warm than rest of the body.Which indicate the fever by touching.

Is the temperature of other parts of the body is same or different?

Different. Even inside the torso itself, the temperature varies slightly. In the arms and legs, it can vary markedly.

What is a sharks body temperature?

a shark is cold-blooded. its temperature is the same temperature as the water its in. A great white shark is warm blooded i can increase its body temperature to temperatures slightly higher than that of the water, it temperature varies in different parts of the body, varies from about 13-25 degrees Celsius.

What are the disadvantages of using a body parts as a measuring device?

Mainly, that different people have body parts of different sizes.

Why does the blood flow from the different the parts of the body?

Blood flows from different parts of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells, remove waste products, and regulate body temperature. This circulation is driven by the pumping action of the heart and the network of blood vessels throughout the body.

Is 95.5 temperature low?

A temperature of 95.5 degrees Fahrenheit is considered lower than the average normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. It may indicate hypothermia or another underlying health condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider, especially if accompanied by symptoms like shivering, confusion, or weakness.

What different parts do aeroplanes have?

The different parts of the aeroplane are the tail, the wings and the body section.

What muscles move bones and body parts?

Different muscles move different parts of the body.

What Variations in rates of growth for different parts of the body are reffered to as?

Asymmetrical growth rates between different parts of the body are referred to as allometric growth. This can lead to variations in size and proportions as different body parts grow at different rates.

Is the hand temperature different between men and women?

no because they have the same body temperature and it depends what is the room temperature and your body temperature at the moment