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Yes. Temperature can be taken under the armpit (auxilla region), on the forehead using a thermometer strip (normally used for infants) and rectally using a rectal thermometer.

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Virginia Bradtke

Lvl 10
2y ago
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15y ago

you can also measure you temperature by putting the thermometer under ur arm.

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16y ago

Sure. The old way was rectal, and in the operating room we often placed a probe in the esophagus. There are thermometers now that are designed to be put in the ears (tymphanic) and even strips than can be placed on the forehead.

All these will give slightly different results - partially because your temprature is different in various parts of your body (highest in the liver, lower at the skin), and because it's possible for the outside temp to effect some of these readings (esp. the forehead one). You can also take a reading from the armpit. But if you want the most accurate, the rectal is probably your best choice. Followed by either armpit or oral and then the ear. The ear could be closely as accurate provided the thermometer is placed correctly in the ear canal (which can be difficult with children). Whichever method you choose, stick with it. Because if you take a reading rectally, then immediately take a reading through say, the ear, the rectal reading will read higher than the ear reading and could be rather confusing. Also it's not a good idea to take temperature readings one right after the other unless you choose to take the average of all those readings because the body temperature can fluctuate and thus be confusing. One more thing, body temperature is lowest at night (during sleep - say around 3am) and first thing in the morning and highest in the mid-afternoon overall.

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7y ago

The standard glass clinical thermometer can measure body temperature other than the mouth. Under the armpit, or even in the rectum may be used, especially if the patient is unconscious and may bite down and break the glass. Nowadays, there are devices that measure temperature by placing on the outer ear, or being attached to a finger or an earlobe.

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14y ago

In babies a rectal (rear end ) thermomenter is frequentlly used. There are ear thermometers and forehead ones, too.

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13y ago

Yes, you can also measure body temp with a themometer in the axilla, groin and rectally.

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12y ago

Yes we can keep it under our neck and under our underarms

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8y ago

Yes, under the arm (in the armpit) and up the anus. Modern thermometers now usually measure the temperature of the eardrum (optically).

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Q: Whether the body temperature can be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?
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Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer other than the mouth?

Body temperature can also be measured with a thermometer at the armpit i believe.

Whether the body temperature can be measured by keeping the thermometer at some other place other then the mouth?

Depending on the type of thermometer you have, it can be taken orally, rectally, under the arm, in the ear.

Why is body temperature can be measured by keeping thermometer under the tongue?

oral temperature oral temperature

Can the temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other tan the mouth?

yes the underarms

Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

Yes. Temperature can be taken under the armpit (auxilla region), on the forehead using a thermometer strip (normally used for infants) and rectally using a rectal thermometer.

Whether the body temperature can be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than mouth?

Yes, you can measure body temperature by putting the thermometer under your arm (in which case it should measure below 36.5 degrees Celsius.) You can also get ear thermometers, but these work quite differently to regular oral/underarm thermometers. Forehead thermometers are also available.

Can the temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

You can take a temperature by placing the thermometer in the armpit, when you get the reading add a degree and that is the temp you would have gotten if you had done it orally. 98.6 is the normal human temp but we all very slightly.

Why do you keep thermometer under the tongue?

Measuring body temperature by keeping thermometer under the tongue is a convenient standardfor measuring one's body temperature. Other places used for keeping the thermometer includethe armpit and the rectum.

Why do you keep a thermometer under the tongue?

A thermometer is kept under the tongue to measure core body temperature accurately. The temperature of the mouth closely reflects internal body temperature, making it a common site for temperature measurement.

Constant volume thermometer?

A constant volume thermometer measures temperature by keeping the volume of the gas inside the thermometer constant. As temperature changes, the pressure of the gas inside the thermometer also changes, which can be correlated to the temperature. This type of thermometer is commonly used in laboratories and for precision measurements.

Can body temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than our mouth?


Can the body temperature be muasured by keeping the temperature at some place?

Body temperature can be taken orally, under the armpit and rectally uaing a thermometer. Electronic thermomitors inserted into the ear canal give a fast and accurate temoperature reading. Normal body temperature is 36.1 to 37.1 degrees C.