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When sperm and egg unite it is usually in the fallopian or uterine tube. It then can take up to 7 days for it to travel to the uterus for implantation.

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The head of the sperm enters the oocyte. The flagellum remains outside.

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the head

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Q: Where the sperm enters the egg?
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Describe what happens to sperm in the uterus?

At conception, the sperm enters the egg and the DNA of the sperm merges with the DNA of the Egg cell.

What is where a sperm enters an egg?

Fertilization is the process where a sperm cell penetrates the egg cell and their genetic material combines to form a zygote. The zygote then divides and develops into an embryo.

How sperm unite the egg?

The sperm create an enzyme that eats away at the outer layer of the membrane of the egg allowing it to enter. The sperm then enters the egg and attaches its self.

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What is the union of egg and sperm to produce new cells?

Once a sperm enters the egg, fertilisation of the egg begins.

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The size of egg is larger than sperm because the the sperm enters inside the egg and egg has to accommodate the sperm. And egg contains fats and nutrients in order to feed zygote in case of pregnancy.

What happends with the egg and the sperm on its journy to the womb?

The sperm enters the egg cell.After nine months it will be a baby.But sometimes its just not successfull.

What does egg cell mean?

A fertilized egg cell is when a sperm enters an egg. The result is a fertilized egg cell, or a zygote.

What is a fertilized female egg cell called?

A fertilized egg cell is when a sperm enters an egg. The result is a fertilized egg cell, or a zygote.

Which is larger the egg cell or the sperm cell?

The egg cell is larger than the sperm cell. The egg cell is one of the largest cells in the human body, while the sperm cell is one of the smallest.

How entry of additional sperms is blocked into an ovum?

after the sperm enters the egg the egg undergoes certain changes in its outer layers preventing any more sperm from entering

What is the meaning of fertilazation?

Fertilization is when a males sperm cell reaches the woman's egg and enters it.