If you mean wisdom teeth, then they are at the very back of your jaws. They come in during your middle to later teenage years.
The Wizards are located in Washington D.C.
The apex of a tooth is the tip of the root where nerve and blood supply enter the tooth through the root canal. It is located at the bottom of the tooth, in the area where the tooth meets the jawbone.
No seriously, is it a molar located in the back or one of your front teeth? And will you get more money from the tooth fairy for it?
Wizards are located anywhere tourists are not. You can become a wizard if you are very lucky and you are extremely polite to a wizard. Please don't share this info.
The Wizards Tower Is located near Draynor Village, West of the bank across the bridge.
The Cementoenamel junction (CEJ) is located between the enamel and the cementum of your tooth.
The tooth root is the part of the tooth that is embedded within the jawbone and anchors the tooth in place. It is located beneath the gum line and connects to the crown of the tooth, which is the visible part in the mouth.
In Shark Tooth Island in the cave go to the right & down & then left and up there you are.
The address of the Baltimore Computer Game Wizards is: 400 Symphony Circle Suite 348, Hunt Valley, MD 21030-2052
A substance know as pulp and nerves
Fire wizards are called Pyromancers, Storm wizards are called Diviners, Ice wizards are called Thaumaturges, Death wizards are called Necromancers, Myth wizards are called Conjurers, Life wizards are called Theurgists, Balance Wizards are called Sorcerers, Sun wizards are called Solargists, Moon wizards are called Lunamancers, and Star wizards are called Astromancers.
depend on where the tooth located... But no