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Confidence can come and go at anytime, one minute you could have the confidence to speak infront of 500,000 people, and then there are the other times when you struggle talking to 2 people. the problem with confidence is it disappears when you need it the most!

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Q: Where is your confidence gone?
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Various different things can symbolize confidence. Sometimes the image of the tiger is used to represent confidence. You could also use the symbol of the heart. Other objects that might symbolize confidence are trees (strong, sturdy, confident, can withstand anything), rocks (strong, sturdy, confident), etc There are so many different ways to symbolize confidence, just pick one and explain why. Good luck!

Which spelling is correct self confidence or self-confidence?

The correct spelling is "self-confidence," with a hyphen.

What is sentence for confidence?

General, what has happened to your self-confidence?Don't forget to greet the interviewer with confidence.

What part is speech is confidence?

Confidence is a noun. "She has confidence." The adjective form of confidence is confident. "He is confident." The adverb form of confidence is confidently. "She walked confidently into the room."

What is the better sentence you don't have confidence or you have no confidence?

Either is correct, but they have slightly different implications. "don't have confidence" implies that you're lacking confidence to some extent, while "have no confidence" emphasizes that you have ZERO confidence, period.

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confidence then achievements cause you need confidence to achieve some thing.

How do you use confidence into a sentence?

Confidence is needed to do many things. Self confidence can be supported by the people around you. Confidence! Rallied the girl.

How you use the word confidence in a sentence?

Now you may proceed with confidence. The confidence man is a con-man. NOW have I gained your confidence?