If a diabetic patient, having very high sugar in blood, adopts this formulae of taking paneer ke phool, everyday in the morning continuously for 15 days along with his routine diet (includes sugar product). The result of blood test for sugar after this 15 days, is very low as compared to a control by an aloepaethic medicines, where even sugar product is restricted during the tenure. And, not only that, but a continuous use, slowly, by reducing the quantum of the said product (paneer ke phool) with routine intake of sugar product, does not allow to shoot-up sugar in blood.
When we consume sugar, our bodies manufacture insulin in order to take the sugar out of our blood. If we eat too much sugar, it is turned into fat.
What regulates blood sugar
insulin helps transport the blood sugar into cells were sugar is needed. insulin is related to blood sugar cause insulin can lower blood sugar level.
Blood effects sugar in your bio
Yes, they do. If anything has sugar in it ,it can raise your blood sugar!!
Correct, glucose is a blood sugar.
The pancreas closely monitors blood sugar concentration by releasing insulin to lower blood sugar levels and glucagon to raise blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar is low, the hormone glucagon is released into the blood.
No, normal blood sugar level should be bwtween 80 - 125. what is the normal sugar level at bed time my blood sugar is 195..what should I do? is a blood sugar of 140 dangerous is a blood sugar of 115 something to worry about what is the normal blood pressure level Is a lood Sugar of 96 abnorbal?
want to know what course sugar in the blood
Nephrons are the tiny filters that remove nitrogenous wastes from the blood. Nephrons are found in the kidneys.