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Q: Where is peppermint most commonly used?
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What forms is peppermint most commonly used?


Is peppermint a candy?

Peppermint is a spice/flavoring extracted from certain the leaves of the peppermint plant (although most peppermint flavor today is synthetic: a mixture of menthol, menthone, and carboxyl esters, particularly menthyl acetate). While it is commonly used in candies, it has other cooking uses. Peppermint tea is a popular drink (see image above).

How is peppermint used today?

Peppermint is used in mints, drinks and desserts. The most common uses are in alcoholic drinks and in chocolate-based recipes. However, peppermint oil is ideal for keeping spiders and mice away, as they hate the stuff.

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Eucalyptus is the most commonly used. Tea tree and/or Lavender (as long as you have no hay-fever issues) work almost as well. Anise, peppermint and Juniper berry oils all can be used to treat sinus problems.

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Where was peppermint first made?

Peppermint is a plant that has been used as a herb for hundreds of years. Hard candies were first made in the 17th century and peppermint was used as a flavoring.

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