Ralph Carter
The song he sang was You and I. You know, Here we are....
Ralph Carter was born on May 30, 1961.
Ralph Carter is 56 years old (birthdate: May 30, 1961).
Is actor Ralph Carter married or single?
Ralph Carter has 7 by Father,and 7 by his Mother all together 14 Brothers and Sisters.
Not Married
Its hard to say,because we as a society tend to judge a book by its cover.things are not what they always seem to be.i pray that he is well.No matter whats going on in his life,he still an amazeing actor.
The actor, Ralph Carter was born May 30, 1961 so it would make him 49 as I type this. The chanracter "Michael Evans" is two years younger. About 47 going on 48.
No, he is very much alive.
Michael Evans, played by Ralph Carter, was known as the "militant midget" on the TV show "Good Times." He was known for his strong beliefs and his passionate activism in fighting for social justice and equality.
mid 80s early 90s