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It depends...

Sometimes the tonsils are infected with bacteria (tonsillitis) and pus will drain out. If this is recurring, there might be an indication to have them removed (tonsillectomy).

It you find that what is coming out is hard and white but your throat doesn't hurt, you might simply have tonsils with crypts in which food particles get stuck.

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Q: Where does the pus on your tonsils come from?
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Pus does not normally come out of an Achilles tendon. If you have pus near your ankle,see your health care provider.

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What are the common symptoms associated with an infection affecting all throat areas?

Common symptoms of an infection affecting all throat areas include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, fever, and sometimes white patches or pus on the tonsils.

Irritated throat with pus sac?

An irritated throat with a pus sac could be a sign of a condition called peritonsillar abscess. It occurs when pus accumulates near the tonsils, leading to severe throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and sometimes fever. It is important to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include draining the pus and antibiotics.

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When you get your tonsils removed does the uvula come out too?

No,You Just need Your Tonsils Removed.But If you have a big Uvula too You might need to remove it.

It's okay for pus to come out when you have your tongue pierces?

No. Its normal to have a whitish/yellow fluid that may cause crust to form but not pus.

When can you smoke after tonsils come out?

Around 2.00pm - but it's 3.00pm on a sunday.

How many sets of tonsils does a human have?

The number of tonsils in the human body depends on what location you are asking about, but in the mouth and throat there are 4 sets; the pharyngeal tonsils, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils. If you are talking about other structures that are named tonsils, there are many others such as the cerebellar tonsils.

Is quinsy caused by a bacteria?

Yes, quinsy is typically caused by a bacterial infection, most commonly by Streptococcus bacteria. This infection leads to the buildup of pus in the tonsils, resulting in severe inflammation and pain.

Had tonsils removed 18 months ago so how come you now have tonsillitis?

You can't have tonsillitis if you have no tonsils. Contact your health care provider to clarify your recommended diagnosis and treatment.

What are Types of tonsils?

Tonsils, palatine tonsils and Waldeyer's ring. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic (Immune System)