

Where does mucus pass?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Where does mucus pass?
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What makes a person to sneeze?

Mucus in your nose with air trying to move pass it

Is it normal to pass a large piece of tissue at 38 weeks?

yes its called the mucus plug... very gross... ewey

Why does the movement of chloride ions causes water to pass out of the cells into the mucus?

The chloride ions have made the mucus more concentrated of the ions. The water moves from a high concentration of water in the cells to a low concentration of water which is in the mucus; in order to dilute the more concentrated solution. It travels by osmosis through a partially permeable membrane.

Is it normal when you are 5 moths pregnant to continue to pass clump of mucus that is very thick gel-like slimy consistency?

If there's a little bit of blood in it it's the mucus plug or parts of it but don't worry, a new one is made.

Why does goblet cell has mucigen droplets?

Goblet cells produce and secrete mucus, which helps to lubricate and protect the lining of various organs such as the respiratory and digestive tracts. The mucigen droplets contain the precursors of mucus, which are converted into mucus upon secretion by the goblet cells. This allows the mucus to effectively function in protecting and maintaining the health of the underlying tissue.

What is the correct spelling for mucus?

The correct spelling is "mucus."

What will make a child pass mucus from the anus?

picking their nose and eating it (i don't do it, ok? I have a little cuzin, its disgusting). that's one way i think.

What are the function of epithelial cells?

The cilia on their surface trap dust and microbes, then pass the trapped substances along with mucus to the throat, where they can then be swallowed. This then protects the lungs.

What is the difference between mucus and mucous?

The word "mucus" is used with mucus membrane; mucus membrane secretes mucous.

How do you use mucus in a sentence?

mucus- mucus in the lungs makes breathing difficult

What part of speech is the word mucus?

The word "mucus" is a noun.

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