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Q: Where does mucus go when swallowed?
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Where does the cila send the mucus?

The cilia sends the mucus to the throat to be swallowed. Hope this helps!

What 2 things are trapped and swallowed at the back of your throat by a cilia cell?

Mucus and dust are trapped and swallowed at the back of your throat by a cilia cell.

What two things are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by these cells?

Mucus and dust are two things that are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells.

What two thing are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by these cells?

Mucus and dust are two things that are trapped and swallowed at the back of the throat by cilia cells.

Why is snot created?

Snot, or mucus, is produced to help trap foreign particles in the air we inhale. This mucus is then usually moved to the back of the throat so it can be swallowed and either digested or eliminated.

Microorganisms removed from incoming air by sticky mucus are most likely to be destroyed by?

being enveloped in additional mucus and swallowed into the stomach, where they are exposed to acidic digestive juices that can destroy them.

Cilia of the trachea that beat continually propel contaminated mucus where?

toward the throat to be sallowed or spat out

Why does the pharnex need to have cilia?

To keep it clean and free from dust particles. The cilia beat mucus up to the back of the throat where it is swallowed. Without it the mucus would stick and act as a breaking ground for bacteria and fungus.

What moves back and forth to move mucus out of the sinuses and back of the nose?

Cilia are hair-like structures that move back and forth to help move mucus out of the sinuses and back of the nose. They help to clear the airways by sweeping mucus and debris towards the throat where it can be swallowed or expelled.

What does the ciliated epithelium cell produce?

Ciliated epithelial cells produce mucus, which helps to trap and remove foreign particles and pathogens from the respiratory tract. The cilia on the cell's surface then move the mucus along to be expelled or swallowed.

How does the air that is drawn into the lungs cleaned?

by cilia(hairs) and mucus(snot) which trap bacteria in your nose and windpipe then sneeze it out or send it to the mouth to be swallowed

The cilia and mucus in the trachea sweep upward moving the mucus toward the nose where it is sneezed out true or false?

True. The cilia in the trachea sweep mucus upward, where it is then transported to the back of the throat and eventually swallowed or coughed out. If there is an excess amount that reaches the nose, it can trigger a sneeze reflex to expel it.