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Our bodies are designed to get glucose from from natural foods such as fruits vegetables, grains and even fat. Our metabolism creates the glucose gradually from those raw materials when we need it. You can eat glusose, of course, but dumping glucose straight into your body can cause massive swings in your blood sugar levels. This may bring about emotional disturbances, hyperactivity, obesity and eventually type 2 Diabetes. Eating natural whole foods gives you a stable blood sugar level which is ideal for good health. The only time it is good to eat/drink glucose is if you are in urgent need of sugar, eg after prolonged hard exercise, if very weak from diarhoea and vomiting, or a diabetic going into insulin shock.

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Q: Where does glucose enter the body?
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Why is insulin so important to the body?

Insulin is important for the body because it helps glucose enter the body's cells. The glucose is then used for energy.

Can the body convert glycerol into glucose?

Yes, glucose is stored in the body as glycerol. When the body needs more glucose it will convert some glycerol into glucose and put it into the bloodstream. No, glucose is not stored in the body as glycerol. It is stored in the body as glycogen. Glycerol is the backbone of triglycerides, and in order to be used for energy, It must be converted into glycerol-3-phosphate, after that may enter the pathway of glycolysis, or may enter the process of gluconeogenesis (generation of glucose from non-carbohydrates source).

What does the body do to bring down blood glucose levels after a meal?

The pancreas produces insulin which allows the glucose to enter the cells to fuel them. Also the insulin sends the body into fat building mode and some of the glucose is used up by being stored away as fat.

What does the body break carbohydrates down into?

Carbohydrates that enter the body as food are broken down into glucose, which the body uses for energy in every cell of the body.

Where does glucose enter organism?

from the liver

Describe how glucose molecules enter a cell by facilitated diffusion?


Do you use glucose in the from of glucose?

Yes, your body uses glucose in the form of glucose. All other sugars are converted into glucose so your body can use them.

Does digestive system help glucose enter all body cells?

The digestive system helps to maintain glucose levels in the blood in various ways. This is done mainly through the pancreas which will release glucagon that will help insulin to maintain the normal glucose levels.

What effect does insulin have on sugar?

Insulin allows glucose(sugar) to enter the body's cells. Insulin also stimulates the liver to convert glucose to glycogen and store it for later use. The end effect is blood sugar is decreased.

How is glucose finally eliminated from the body?

Glucose is eliminated from the body through urine via the kidneys. When blood glucose levels are high, the kidneys filter out the excess glucose into the urine to help maintain a stable blood sugar level.

Does tissue fluid contain glucose?

Yes, tissue fluid can contain glucose. Glucose is a small molecule that can pass through the walls of capillaries to enter the tissue fluid, providing energy for cells.

How does diabetes affect the organism?

well basically Diabetes effect our pancreas which either doesn't make enough insulin or no insulin. Insulin is needed for our cells to utilize glucose for energy. It is required for the glucose to enter into the cell. No insulin means the glucose stays in your bloodstream, which can cause many problems including death if not treated.