Your thumb is finger 1, your index finger is finger 2, your middle finger is finger 3, your ring finger is finger 4, and your pinky is finger 5
2nd finger from your pinky finger!!!
The index finger is between your thumb and middle finger.
The finger which is on the right side of your middle finger in the right hand or the finger between the thumb and the middle finger.
The ring finger is traditionally the fourth finger counting from the thumb.
finger = Finger
Yes the middle finger is a finger! You just called it one!
lady finger
finger = Finger
the rude finger is the pinky (little finger)
Hindi : Angutha,tarjani,madhyama,anamika,kanishtha English : thumb,forefinger or index finger,middle finger,ring finger, little finger.
No, the index finger is next to the thumb. Then the middle finger. Then the ring finger. Then the little finger, sometimes called pinky. no its the one between the middle finger and the thumb. The one you point it.