Usually in the same places you'd find a pulse on anyone else. Strokes typically occur within the brain, which isn't a good place to take a pulse (inside the skull???), so the subject being a stroke victim is immaterial. If you are concerned that the stroke may be related to occlusions within the neck, you can always try for other pulse points -- radial, femoral, etc.
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If the individual is conscious, then you can rate them on an scale of 1-4 based on how many of these questions they can answer:
What is your name?
Where are you?
What happened?
What time is it?
If they can easily answer all 4 questions then they have a 4/4 level of consciousness.
If the individual is conscious, they are also considered Alert.
If unconscious, you can check if they respond when you talk to them, whether they speak back of simply make noises. This is a Verbal response.
If they do not respond to this, then pinching the individuals shoulder/neck on the muscle can produce response, which would be known as a response to Pain.
If none of these options work, they are categorized as Unresponsive.
This is following the abbreviation:
A- alert
V- verbal
P- pain
U- unresponsive
If you are refering to checking for a pulse during CPR, you check it at the carotid artery, by placing your fingers just below the jaw line in the neck.
If you are refering to simply checking a pulse on a routine basis, such as in a hospital setting, it is checked at the radial artery, by placing two fingers on the inside of the wrist, on the thumb side.
When finding carotid artery, you are looking to check adult or child victim's PULSE
You then check for breathing & pulse for a maximum of 10 seconds; if no breathing & pulse immediately start CPR and continue CPR until AED re-analyzes.
If signs of life become visible you should check for a pulse. If the victim has no pulse, CPR should be continued. If the victim has a pulse, CPR should be ceased but you must continue to monitor the victim's vital signs.
right side
Their wrists and or their neck
When performing a pulse check on an Infant or Child, check for a maximum of 10 seconds. For lay CPR, no pulse check is required for an adult.
Quickly check the pulse in her throat. If there is no pulse, then suspect a heart attack rather than choking. If she has a pulse, get help sitting the victim up and perform the Heimlich maneuver, 4 sharp pulls in a row. Repeat if nothing comes out.
You should check for a pulse on an elderly victim if they are unresponsive and not breathing. It is important to do so in order to assess their condition and provide appropriate care, such as CPR, if necessary.
A stroke victim should be assessed bi-laterally (both sides) If the victim is awake check the radial (wrist) and if they're unconscious check the carotid (neck). Make sure to check both the left and right side of the victim and note any differences.
CPR for the lay person, denoted just CPR, there is no longer a pulse check for an adult, so once CPR is started, it will be continued unless the person begins to show signs of life. In CPR-FPR (CPR for the Professional Rescuer) there is still a circulation check, so RB at 1 breath / 5 seconds is part of that certification. To specifically answer your question, most people would do CPR and not check for a pulse on an adult, because it is not part of the curriculum. For a professional person, they would perform rescue breathing with a pulse and CPR without a pulse.
For lay CPR, no pulse check is required.
pulse to see if the heart is beating and if the person is alive or needs CPR.