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Q: Where do toxins build up when kidneys fail?
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Not getting enough water affects your health. Your kidneys are the organs which filter toxins and poisonous waste material out of your blood. If you don't drink enough water, your kidneys can't properly filter the blood, and the toxins build up in your body. When toxins build up in your brain, your ability to think and perform in school suffers. When toxins build up in your muscles, your ability to perform sports suffers.You should drink 8-10 full glasses of water or non-caffeine drink daily in order to be healthy.

What happens if you miss dialysis sessions?

yes, it can be. dialysis is used to take over the functions of the kidneys that can't work to remove toxins from the bloodstream. If you let those toxins keep building up you can die from blood poisoning.

How the kidneys filter the blood?

Kidneys filter the blood in the body by removing the toxins and disposing them through urine. This function helps the body to clear any build up of waste within the body, and helps to keep the body from poisoning itself.

How does the urethra work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

The urethra expels liquid waste from the body in a human female which prevents the build up of toxins in the body and blood poisoning leading to kidneys faliure.

How does the herbal cleansing work?

Toxins often build up in the body's organs, like the liver, kidneys, lungs, and intestines. Herbal cleansers are used to cleanse these organs for optimal efficiency and health. They use combinations of herbs.

How does the urethra work with other organ systems to keep the body healthy?

The urethra expels liquid waste from the body in a human female which prevents the build up of toxins in the body and blood poisoning leading to kidneys faliure.

Why cant you live without kidneys?

Your kidneys filter toxic substances out of your blood. If you didn't have kidneys, these would build up and basically poison you.

What is impaired renal function?

Impaired renal function refers to a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to filter and eliminate waste from the blood. This can lead to a build-up of toxins and waste products in the body, resulting in various symptoms such as fatigue, swelling, and changes in urine output. It is important to monitor and manage impaired renal function to prevent further damage to the kidneys.

What would happen if we didn't have a kidney?

If we didn't have a kidney, our body would not be able to filter waste and excess fluid from the blood, leading to a buildup of toxins and fluids that can be life-threatening. Dialysis or a kidney transplant would be necessary to sustain life.

Swelling of one or both kidneys due to an obstruction in the flow of urine?

This condition is known as hydronephrosis and can be caused by various factors such as kidney stones, tumors, or congenital abnormalities. It can lead to kidney damage and requires medical intervention to relieve the obstruction and prevent complications.

What will happen to the organism if the kidneys do not function normally?

Renal failure.The effect on an organism of an injured or diseased kidney depends on the extent and severity of the damage. The kidneys play an important role in filtering out waste from the blood. If they can't do that well enough, waste builds up to the point where people can get sick and even die.

If your kidneys fail will you die?

yup. one way to classify types of kidney failure is the physical area the problem starts. ill name them and put examples... Pre-renal (renal means kidney, Pre means before): - not enough blood flow to kidneys causing cells to die. this can happen by physical obstruction of the vessels or even if the person does not have enough blood left in thier body. intra-renal (intra means within): -rhabdomyolysis for example is when by products of muscle get into the functional parts of your kidneys, the bowmans capsule. these by products block up the filtering part of your kidneys, and nothing can pass through, causing build up of toxins in the body. Post-renal (post means after): - kidney stones, prostatic hyperplasia (swollen prostate), and any physical obstructions can prevent urine from passing and build up pressure in the kidneys. the kidneys depend on a very delicate balance of physical pressure and osmotic pressure to selectively filter out toxins. a physical blockage can increase the pressure and prevent the kidneys from filtering out toxins. leading to a build up in the body. the increased pressure can also damage the kidney, so after the blockage is cleared, some damage can be done. To be clear, it would have to be one hell of a kidney stone! most pass very painfully, but they do pass. jason RN, EMT-A