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Nurse practitioners work in a variety of health care facilities like clinics, hospitals, rehab centers, mental health facilities, outpatient offices, schools, urgent care centers, retail clinics, nursing homes, and special diagnostic centers. Some nurse practitioners work in house call practices

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Q: Where do nurse practitioners work?
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Do nurse practitioners have to work nights?

Nurse practitioners, on average, work during business hours. Inpatient nurse practitioners may work nights.

Can nurse practitioners excuse you from work?

Yes, a nurse practitioner can excuse you from work.

Do osteopaths DO work under the supervision of nurse practitioners NP?

No. First, osteopaths are independent, autonomous providers, and are physicians. They do not work under supervision. Nurse practitioners do not supervise doctors.

Are osteopaths DO equivalent to nurse practitioners NP?

Osteopathic physicians and nurse practitioners may do may of the same types of work, but they are educated on different tracks.

How much do nurse practitioners work?

Many Nurse Practitioners work in private practice but some are hospital based. Hours of operation vary from place to place but many work 40 hour weeks. Others work three 12 hour shifts such as in the ER or surgical suites. Some Nurse Practitioners have their own practice and set their own hours of employment.

What four states do not allow nurse practitioners?

Nurse Practitioners practice in all 50 states. There are no states that do not recognize nurse practitioners.

When was The Journal for Nurse Practitioners created?

The Journal for Nurse Practitioners was created in 2005.

Does nurse practitioners get vacation?

Yes, paid vacation is a common benefit for nurse practitioners.

How to bill for nurse practitioner?

Billing for the work of nurse practitioners depends on the payer. CMS has the most commonly followed guidelines for billing for NP work.

Where would you have to live if you wanted to be a nurse practitioner?

Nurse practitioners work in all 50 US states and in many other countries.

What does it take to become a psychiatric nurse?

Nurse practitioners generally hold a BS in nursing and MS in nursing.

Is an Advanced nurse practitioner better than a Family Nurse practitioner?

An advanced practice nurse is an RN (registered nurse) who has completed an MSN (masters degree). There are different types of APRN's (dpending upon your focus of study during master's program). Clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners. So, all nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses, but not all advanced practice nurses are nurse practitioners.