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Really anywhere just some places it grows more.

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Q: Where do males usually grow hair at?
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Is facial hair occurs to both males and females during puberty true or false?

Yes facial hair grow in males and females. But in males the hair is thick while in females its thin and soft .

How do you make hair grow faster for males? i have every thing you need to no

Can males wear down their hair?

Males can wear down their hair if they choose to grow it out. Some famous men who have worn their hair long are Jonny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Josh Holloway, Jared Leto, and Ashton Kutcher.

How do you grow a handlebar mustache like Captain Hook?

There is really nothing you can do to make a mustache grow. If you are going to have one it will develop as you get older. Most men can grow a mustache, a full beard is sometimes not possible because of the hair pattern you happen to have.Most males can grow a moustache simply be not shaving the upper lip. Dark hair will show faster than blond hair. There can be medical reasons why a minority of males are unable to grow a moustache, or any body hair - Alopecia is the general medical term for hair loss

Do women have hair inside their nostrils?

Yes, but usually a little less than males.

Why do females have long hair?

Both females and males have the same kind of hair, the hair on females is longer because they tend to let it grow without cutting it. Long hair is a matter of culture.

How do you grow faster long hair for healthy males?

Eat healthy foods, massage your scalp, exercise regularly.

How many hairs grow on the human cancer patients head?

usually when you have cancer, all of your hair falls out, so they USUALLY have no hair

How can you grow facial hair on your own?

Growing facial hair is a natural function, for most males, when they reach puberty. This is due to hormonal changes in the body when becoming an adult.

How old are boys when they get armpit hair?

This must be irritating to hear again, but it all depends. Usually males start pubic growth around 11-14, with exceptions. Facial hair usually grows around 13-16, and armpit hair at around 14 to as late as 17 or 18. Its all in your genes, so there isn't anything you can do about making it grow faster or slower.

Do you have to cut your hair for it to grow?

Sometimes, people's hair grows faster when they get it cut more often. But, no it is not necessary to cut your hair to get it to grow, but it is healthier for your hair to get it cut once in a while.

Does your hair still grow even when its dead?

No. Nor does it grow when you are dead, although this has long been a myth; that hair continues to grow after death when really, it is merely the skin and flesh that is shrinking creating the illusion of hair growth.When a hair dies, it usually falls out.