No girls do not pee out of their Butts, if that was what you were asking :)
you cant fart pee but you can fart (sometimes) when you pee. only for girls
no they do not.
The 'Pee Pee Bottle' is designed to help toddlers urinate on-the-go, when there is not a clean bathroom available. Parents can bring the portable 'pee-pee bottle' with them and when the child has finished urinating, the bottle can be sealed and then cleaned out at a more convenient time. The pee-pee bottle works for both boys and girls.
The go pee where they go pee
I didnt know girls did pee
my doctor just says make sure you go pee after
If there is no bathroom near by, pull over and go behind a tree a pee there or if you don't want to do that then, if you have a towel or blanket near by you take that and put it in between your legs then pee into that. Also you could pee in a bottle or just wet your pants.
Boys pee standing up, while girls pee sitting down. This is because boys have a penis and girls have a urethra. The anatomy of the male and female reproductive systems, including the location of the urethra and the presence of a penis, contribute to these differences in how boys and girls pee.