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really? what is wrong chu

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Q: Where do girls pee if there is no where to go?
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Eleven girls that have to go pee really really super bad?


Do girls pee out of their buts?

No girls do not pee out of their Butts, if that was what you were asking :)

How can you as a girl stand up to pee without your pee going everywhere?

I'm not a girl so i asked chat gpt and this is what it told me Standing up to pee as a female can be challenging without the right technique or aids. Here are some methods that might help: Use a Female Urination Device (FUD): These are specially designed devices that allow women to urinate standing up. They are shaped to fit against the body and direct the urine stream away from you. Popular brands include GoGirl, SheWee, and Tinkle Belle. Practice Proper Positioning: If you're not using a device, positioning is crucial. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and slightly bend your knees. This can help open up your pelvic area for easier urine flow and better control. Aim for the Right Angle: Direct the stream at a downward angle to avoid splashing. Experiment with different angles to find what works best for you. Control the Flow: Try to control the speed and force of your urine stream to minimize splashing. Sometimes starting with a lighter flow can help manage the direction better. Use Adequate Coverage: Ensure that your clothing is adjusted appropriately. Pull down pants and underwear adequately to avoid any obstruction. Practice Makes Perfect: Like any skill, practice can improve your technique over time. Start in a private setting until you feel confident in your ability to pee standing up. Choose a Suitable Location: Look for a spot where you have privacy and a stable surface to stand on. This can help you feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of accidents. Standing up to pee as a female may take some getting used to, but with patience and practice, you can find a method that works best for you and minimizes any mess.

How do girls pee outside without privacy?

I'm a girl so here's what you do get a boy to go with you take off your pants and have him go under you then sqwat on his head and pee in his mouth

Do girls pee in the swimming pool or what do you do when you got to go?

Girls do not pee in the least this one doesnt....I get out of the pool and go to the bathroom.....but then again that's just me... why waste your energy why not just pee in the pool

Can you fart pee?

you cant fart pee but you can fart (sometimes) when you pee. only for girls

Why all girls pee backwards?

Girls do not pee backwards. They pee in a straight line from the urethra, located at the bottom of the urinary tract, to the toilet or wherever they are peeing. The misconception that girls pee backwards may arise due to misunderstanding of anatomy or improper education.

Do girls pee when they are squirting?


Do girls pee in the shower?

no they do not.

What is the 'Pee Pee Bottle' product meant to do?

The 'Pee Pee Bottle' is designed to help toddlers urinate on-the-go, when there is not a clean bathroom available. Parents can bring the portable 'pee-pee bottle' with them and when the child has finished urinating, the bottle can be sealed and then cleaned out at a more convenient time. The pee-pee bottle works for both boys and girls.

Where do people go pee in Japan?

The go pee where they go pee

Do little boys let girls suck their Pee Pee's?
