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The ideas of Buddha had an appeal over many of Buddha's teachings like the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path!

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Q: Where did the ideas of the Buddha have appeal?
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Where did the idea of the Buddha have appeal?

The ideas of Buddha had an appeal over many of Buddha's teachings like the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path!

Buddha's ideas of happiness?

To be libnerated from the unlimited cycle of suffering.

Why did the Buddha teaching about nirvana appeal to many people of lower caste?

I don't like u

What was Buddah's ideas about god?

The belief of Buddha is there no "almighty god". There should not be a God that decides things. Buddha is omniscient but not omnipotent.

What Hindu ideas did Buddha's teachings embrace?

the basic teaching of Buddha was four truths. They all were based on Hindu ideology.

What religion which had potentially universal appeal was created by Gautama Siddhartha in India?

Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He was also called Buddha, meaning "enlightened one". However Buddhists do not actually worship Buddha.

What ideas did Buddha believe in most strongly?

He believed most strongly in finding inner peace.

How are the ideas of Buddha similar and different from those of other great thinkers you have studied?

because or fat

Why did the Buddha's teaching about nirvana appeal to many of lower castes?

because he said they would eventually reach a state of perfect peace as long as they have good karma

What ideas do the Japanese have about God or gods?

In Shinto, there are millions of gods; mostly nature spirits. Buddha is worshipped as a god, too.

Why did the Buddha's teachings about nirvana appeal to many people of lower castes?

because he said they would eventually reach a state of perfect peace as long as they have good karma

Why did the Buddha teachings about nirvana appeal to many people of lower caste?

because he said they would eventually reach a state of perfect peace as long as they have good karma