The scrub uniform for nurses first came from nuns. Nuns were
normally the main caregivers in past history, and because most
churches are based off the catholic religion, they brought over
their uniform.
Uniform stores are those which stock uniforms for employment,
such as scrub caps and aprons. Online retailers such as Amazon and
eBay sell uniforms online, but physical retailers such as Tom Adams
can be found.
How do you remove nail polish from wood when it's dry?
all you really need to is scrub with mineral spirit. it works on some tables and some it does not work. but just scrub and scrub and eventually it will come off.
Yes it can!All you have to do is get a clean cloth scrub it,and
it will work like magic!If it doesn't come off you should scrub
harder,sometimes people even consult a doctor.Thanks for typing
this question have a good day.
When did the desing for the new scout uniform come out?