If the shots were given at a county health unit, you can try looking there.
Maria Ladislao Mendoza shots records
You can aquire your US Military service record, including health record, through the National Archives.
First, there is typically no pressing reason to find out if you had a flu shot in the past. Since you must get flu shot annually, a flu shot history is not important to most people. If you still feel you need to know, you might try calling your primary care provider (current and past), your employee health department (current and past) and the Department of Health to find out if they have records of your receiving a flu shot.
it's not the law to not have your flu shot
Mug shots are not public records unless released by the law enforcement agency which took them.
The thigh is sometimes used for infant immunizations, but not used for older patients.
75 feet
Yes a landlord can ask for pet shot records. It is heir job to make sure that the shots are current in case your dog ever gets out and bites someone, plus they have to ask it.
I have a Babe Ruth "Called Shot" poster, inscribed "To Barry." Jim Marlow, Toledo, Ohio
You can ask your child's physician. Typically it takes a day for them to request the records and they may charge you a few dollars. It is a good idea to keep a copy for yourself where you store important documents such as with your child's birth certificate. Some people keep shot records in their child's baby book.
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