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You have joints in your spine, neck, knees, ankles, toes, wrists, elbows, and fingers.
You joints are located in your knee and arms and neck!

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9y ago

The joints in the human body are connected by two bones. They are connected and that is how movement occurs.

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Q: Where are the joints located in the human body?
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Where in the body is each joint located?

Joints are located where two bones come together. There are ball and socket joints, there are hinge joints, there are saddle joints there are pivot joints, there are gliding joints and there are condyloid joints. There are 27 bones in the hand alone so there are more than 27 joints in the hand. There are 39 joints in each arm. There are over 300 joints in the human body. There is not enough room to give you an answer for each joint in the human body.

Where are nociceptors located in the body?

Most nociceptors in the human body are located in the skin, joints and muscles, and the walls of internal organs.

How many movable joints are in a human body?

the human body has 230 movable joints in the body.

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The knee... don't know any others

Hello chum how are you?

230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. 230 semi-movable joints are in the human body. cheeese

How many joints are there in a person's body?

There are 360 joints in a human body

How many joints have you got in the body?

BODY JOINTS - webcrawler 'THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE ANSWER there are around 360 joints in the human body.'

How much JOINTS are there in a human body?

230 joints

Where are joints necessary needed in the human body?

Joints are important because they provide mobility to the human body. Without joints our body would have been like a statue.

What is the largest bone in the human body called and where is it find?

The largest bone in the human body is called the femur. It is located in the upper leg, between the knee and the hip joints.

Are most joints in the human body synovial joints or ball and socket joints?

A ball and socket joint is a type of synovial joint. Synovial joints are the most common in the human body.

What are the three main joints of a human body?

sliding joints hinged joints fixed joints