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over the face especially over nose and left cheek and mustache region

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Q: Where are accidental injuries found on the body?
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What are accidental injuries in health?

an accidental injury is an injury that could have been prevented. While 100% of all home injuries cannot be prevented, many can.

The most common type of wound is?

Accidental domestic injuries.

What are the top ten accidental causes of death in the US?

The top ten accidental causes of death in the US include motor vehicle accidents, unintentional poisoning (including drug overdoses), falls, accidental drowning, accidental firearm injuries, accidental suffocation, unintentional fires and burns, accidental exposure to smoke or fire, accidental ingestion of objects, and accidental machinery injuries.

A third of unintentional accidental deaths and injuries take place where?


How can you become accidentally exposed to body fluids?

Accidental exposure to body fluids can occur through contact with contaminated surfaces, needle stick injuries, splashes to the eyes, nose or mouth, or through cuts or abrasions on the skin coming in contact with infectious fluids. Healthcare workers, laboratory technicians, and first responders are at higher risk of accidental exposure to body fluids.

What causes fingertip injuries?

Accidental amputations will usually result in profuse bleeding and tissue loss. Injuries to the pulp can occur as from fast moving mechanical instruments, such as drills. These injuries may puncture the pulp.

How do you get hired in WWE?

Be a muscular good actor who is willing to get accidental injuries and/or cutting them self in a first blood match.

If it is an accidental drowning death but the body has not been found yet how long before payment under the insurance policy?

I would contact the life office in question.

How many people die from injuries each year in the us?

Approximately 200,000 people die from injuries each year in the United States. These injuries can result from motor vehicle accidents, falls, drowning, and other causes. Preventive measures and safety precautions can help reduce the number of injury-related deaths.

How long does a musical accidental last until?

One whole measure unless another different accidental is in the same measure right after and if that happens that new accidental lasts for the measure it is in.

Where on the body may a non-accidental injury occur?


Did Bruce Lee kill anyone with his hardest kicks?

There is no record of Bruce ever killing anyone. There were some injuries on set, usually accidental.