Foot drop can be ordered online pretty easily. You can order it from eBay , you could also try to order it from Amazon, and that would be pretty cheap as well.
foot drop is caused by nerve damage & can be treated w/splints, & possibly surgery, but is a permanent otherwise.
Foot drop brace is a ankle foot orthotic encompassing the ankle joint and all or part of the foot . AFOs are externally applied, and are intended to control position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness, or correct deformities. Standard hard plastic foot drop braces are made of hard plastic, molded into shape. The posterior extension runs up the knee, while the leading edge is inserted into the shoe. It's not uncommon for patient's to complain about the a hard plastic brace being uncomfortable due to restricting normal walking and scratching or even bruising of the skin. The alternative is a soft foot drop brace. Soft Foot Drop Brace is made of soft materials such as neoprene, soft leather, cloth and some type of elastic strapping to maintain the position of the foot and to help prevent plantar flexion. A soft foot drop brace is comfortable alternative to maintain the position of the foot and to help prevent plantar flexion with no scrathes or bruises from a hard plastic. See a Soft Foot Drop Brace pic;
no you can not die because if you drop a hammer on your feet all you have to do is go to a hospital.
One can get a foot massage at a website called Amazon. Many foot massages can be found at this website. If one is looking for someone to do the foot massage, then one should go to a store such as Aqua Foot Care.
I had to drop that project like a hot potato when I found out about all the issues with it.
I believe the term is called " drop" foot. It is very serious. You may have an injury to the nerve that supplied the front of the foot/ankle. This nerve runs from your spine, down your back, through your butt muscles. The other area that an injury can occur is your brain.....a stroke, anuerism, tumor, degenerative disease can all cause drop foot. GO TO THE DOCTOR, please.
Table linen size will depend on the drop you need. For a 5 foot diameter (60 inch) ROUND table and using a 90 inch ROUND tablecloth your drop would be 15 inches all around the table. For a 5 foot diameter (60 inch) SQUARE table and using a 85 inch SQUARE tablecloth your drop would be 12 and a half inches all around.
Finding a retail store from which to purchase a drop saw is not very challenging at all. In order to purchase a drop saw, one can visit Sears or Home Depot.
Have your kicking foot a little ahead of the other foot when you receive the ball. As you are catching the ball, start your first step forward with your kicking foot and make the ball parallel to the ground turned to the inside just a bit. Then, step forward with your other foot and as it is landing on the ground, remove your opposite kicking foot's hand and raise it up(to keep balance). You should now be holding the ball with your hand that's on your kicking foot side, and then drop the ball straight down and meet the ball and follow your foot all the way through.
pin droppin is simple all u have 2 do is stand straight up put ur ankle right or left foot then just fall forward and land on ur foot and then spin up
Your hamster probably won't die at all if you drop it, but if it is seriously injured it could be within minutes. If this is the case, I am very sorry!