you should leave him if your boyfriend threatens you in anyway your to good for him so ditch him NOW
Dare him to leave. Challenge him to do it and if he does, he's NOT worth it.
then stop drinking snd u would not have any problems
Leave his butt!
No he does not love you, he is just threatning you because he never got kissed. I am a boy I know it.
Well , usually the past boyfriend is angry with the fact that you no longer want to be with him. So the past boyfriend doesn't want to do anything to you so he threatens your present boyfriend . All you can do is tell your present boyfriend to be the bigger person and tell your past boyfriend that he needs to grow up and get a life. Trust me it has happened to me before . If the behavior continues tell the past boyfriend that you no longer want to be bothered by him and you are happy with the guy your with ,who is NOT HIM. If he is a right minded boy he would leave you alone and just go with the flow .
Tell them to stop
if you try and leave him and they threaten to hurt you or anyone simply call the cops and make a report that he threatened you
if ur current boyfriend cant uderstand your just friends u should leave him! dont let him walk all over u!!!
That you should never hit your boyfriend or to anyone, because it shows disrespects.
well it depends what she threaten you with and if he worth it.
Cavalcade of Stars - 1949 Ralph Threatens to Leave 3-12 was released on: USA: 16 November 1951
You should leave him. That sort of jealousy - when it is unwarranted (and even if it is not) - is abuse. The man in immature and not ready for an equitable relationship. I presume"he" can go out whenever he pleases?