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Q: When you open your mouth very wide because you are tired?
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How wide do fish can open their mouth?

They open it very wide.

Is chewing with your mouth open bad manners?

Yes, chewing with your mouth open is very poor etiquette. A person should always chew with their mouth closed; swallow the food and then they can open their mouth.

Why does your body get cold while sleeping?

I believe when your tired, you get cold. When you sleeping, you are very tired. You get cold while sleeping because you are tired

Why does Benadryl make your mouth numb?

Benadryl makes your mouth numb because it has a compound known as dioxococain. Very similiar to regular cocain. If you chew it up your mouth will feel like you just took a gummy of powder. Only difference is you wont get all sped up in fact you will get tired and pass out.

Why is ben your bus driver so moody?

Because he is obese, ugly and although he never manages to open his mouth to speak im sure he can open it very wide to be the size he is now

Can a weedy sea dragon open its mouth really wide?

No, they have a very narrow opening for a mouth, as they eat plankton.

Why does staying on the computer for a long time make you tired?

u fall asleep because u get bored and is very tired

What does Estoy muy cansada y enferma means?

That's Spanish for "I am very tired now". Since "tired" is in feminine, that means it is a woman who is talking.

Why do people eat with their mouth open?

Yes, it is considered very rude to chew with your mouth open. However, it is not technically physically harmful, but it can make you bite your tongue or cheek sometimes.

Is there stress being an architect?

There is stress because if you work to hard you be very tired

How wide can a basking sharks open its mouth?

Very wide. Approximately 69m.

What treats an open mouth wound?

An open mouth wound is usually called a canker sore. They can be very painful. They can be treated by mixing together a teaspoon of salt and a few ounces of warm water. Then swish the solution around in the mouth for a few seconds and spit it out.