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The valve between the bladder and the urethra (the prostate gland) can sometimes let some urine out without intending it to happen. It is not a health concern, no worries. If it continues to happen, see your Urologist, he may be able to treat it.

The simplest way to avoid this happening is to urinate just before sex, that way there is no urine left to leak out.

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Q: When you masterbrate why do you pee a little bit?
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Was holding in my pee this morning for a while and again in the afternoon and now when you urinate it hurts and it feels like imma pee a lot but you only pee a little bit is that normal?

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no, it's actually healthy for you doesn't really taste that good tho, but it can't hurt you to eat a little bit at least

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You could have (UTI) you need to tell your parents immidietly and go see a doctor

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How do you die friom drinking your pee?

You do not die from drinking your own pee, it is okay to drink. If you drink another peoples pee it will poison you. Pee is made mostly of water(95%), a little ammonia( 2-3%), and a little (3-5%)dead cells.