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Puppy fat as in baby fat?

Depends. If you don't try to stay healthy then you will have your "puppy fat" AND the rest of your body weight. But then again, if you are one of those people who want to stay healthy -or are one of those people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound-, your "puppy fat" will no longer be there. But like I said, it just depends on your body and how you treat it.

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Q: When you grow older do you lose puppy fat?
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Do 12 year old boy lose puppy fat as they get older?

A 12 year old boy will lose his puppy fat as he gets older. As boys grow, they tend to lean out, develop muscle and burn off the fat easier.

What is baby fat?

baby fat is fat that you have as a child but soon lose as you grow older and get slimmer

What age does 'puppy fat' go away?

well puppy fat can go at anytime!! it may happen near puberty or after, girls may gain weight during puberty so you can lose it and feel like you gained it again (but you have not). when you lose puppy fat it feels as if you have just lost weight no different to losing weight itself. some people don't lose there puppy fat till much later on in life but most lose it between the ages of 9-14 I hope this helped you xx

Why are all your friends slim and not you?

maybe that's just the way your body works some are faster than others, or maybe you have puppy fat which means when your older you'll grow out of it!

Is 137 pounds for a 11 year old girl at 5 feet to fat?

Look.. At your age you don't need to be worrying about your weight. It is mainly puppy fat which you will lose at an older age. so don't worry and have fun while your young enough to.

15 and a bit tubby and in urgent need of losing fat and gaining muscle HELP?

first Exercise but if you are just a bit tubby it is probably puppy fat and if it is as you grow older it will just go and push up to your breasts trust me you will look lovely!

What places on your body can you get puppy fat?

Technically there is no such thing as puppy fat. Its just the word that we use to nicely call it fat since birth. Its a name for someone who hasn't been bothered to lose weight since they were born. So i guess anywhere you can get fat, it'll be there.

Is Madison lovato fat?

Yes demi's lil sis is a lil bigger but its called baby fat she will lose it when shes older.

Do you lose fat as you grow?

No , but you gain more fat as you need to eat more and you aren't active either. But as you grow you need more muscles(the muscles to move your bones).

What is puppy fat?

Puppy Fat is basicly small weight of a younger child

What are kinds of grow foods that can lose weight?

oats meal and low fat milk

Why is Madison Lovato so fat?

she has baby fat and when she is older she lose it like demi lovato had baby fat and she lost when grew up